Three Ways Clutter Affects Your Health

Three Ways Clutter Affects Your Health

Summer officially started this week, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still do a big spring clean if you haven’t yet.  And maybe you should, because it can actually affect your health.

Here are three ways having a dirty or cluttered home is bad for you:

1.  It affects your sleep.  A study last year analyzed people’s sleep patterns, and found the quality of your sleep is worse when your bedroom is a mess.

2.  It makes your allergies worse.  If your place is unorganized and cluttered, then you’re probably not dusting, and a lot of people who think they’re allergic to pollen actually just need to clean and dust more.

3.  It makes it harder to focus.  A study in 2011 found that when there’s too much stuff lying around, your brain can’t decide what to focus on because there’s too much visual stimuli, so it makes it harder for you to focus on ANYTHING.

