Are you afraid of technology? Well maybe after reading this blog you will be.
There\’s been a lot of talk about private information being taken and shared. For example, some people have talked about an ad showing up on their phone relating to a topic they were talking about with someone.
A situation like that has happened to me. I was watching Shameless on my TV, which is not connected to my phone, and an ad for the show popped up before a YouTube video I watched later. Needless to say it freaked me out a bit.
Cellphones are starting to creep me out!!! I feel like my phone is watching my every move. Just this week I was searching up beds online and all of a sudden I get on my Facebook page and a Rooms To Go ad about beds pops up!! Crazy! My Google search followed me on Facebook.
What #Facebook knows about you #privacy #GDPR #FacebookDataBreach #security
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) April 20, 2018