Avengers: Endgame is Almost Here!

Avengers: Endgame is coming! The stars are on the last leg of their premier tour. Everyone looked amazing, but the real stars on the purple carpet were Brie Larson and Scarlett Johansson. The leading ladies of the superhero group rocked jewelry inspired by Thanos’ gauntlet.

Brie Larson was stunning in her short blonde waves and a low cut lavender dress. Brie’s gauntlet jewelry was different from ScarJo’s. Brie Larson held her mind stone inspired jewel on her wrist in a cuffed bracelet.

Scarlett Johansson was killing it in a metallic champagne colored dress. Her gauntlet inspired jewelry was connected by the mind stone inspired orange jewel on the back of her hand.

Both hand pieces were created with six Thanos inspired stones: time stone (green), space stone (blue), reality stone (red), power stone (purple), mind stone (yellow), and the soul stone (orange).
*spoiler alert* Thanos obtained all six stones in order to wipeout half of the universe’s population. The Avenger fans are freaking out!

Some fans even think that Scarlett Johansson and Brie Larson may be the heroes we’ve been waiting for.
