30 Day Countdown to Niall

Here is your guide to prepare for Niall’s concert at the Tabernacle! Most of you probably already have a countdown on your cat calendars for the Niall concert in 30 days!! What what!!! But now is the time to prepare for this life changing event.

Start buying merchandise and outfits for the concert, like, now! Finding an outfit is crucial even for guys. What if Niall invites you on stage and you are wearing a potato sack. No, grab your Niall shirts and hats and whatever you can find to rep your favorite ex-One Directioner. Don’t forget to bring raincoats, jackets, or comfy shoes if you have to wait outside!

Days rolling into the concert drink LOTS of water! I’m saying LOTS! You are going to be standing, dancing, fainting from breathing the same air as Niall, and of course screaming. Don’t be that person that gets dehydrated and passes out. Not a bad idea to be noticed by Niall, but also probably not the memorable experience you had in mind. And no one likes the next day after screaming at a concert when you sound like a middle school boy and your voice continues to crack. Trust me, just drink water.

Get food beforehand! Again, lots of dancing and standing will occur and you need all your energy to climb through security onto the stage to touch Niall…I mean…to enjoy your fun night. Also, everybody loves food so why not splurge in honor of your boy Niall.

Night of the concert, go crazy! Have a great, safe time, and do not forget to take pictures and post on social media. Tag us on social media so we can join in on the experience!
