DBHDD Resources 2

Where to find resources for youth, young adults, and families​ affected by the opioid crisis in Georgia

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) and the State Opioid Response (SOR) address behavioral health issues including suicide prevention, substance abuse misuse/abuse, mental health promotion and healthy coping.

Be the solution your community needs and take action!

  • Don’t run, call 911. You are protected by the Good Samaritan Law (Georgia Medical Amnesty Law).
  • Protect your family. Keep all medications locked away.
  • Do not share unused pills with anyone and keep track of how many pills you have left.
  • Take unused pills to a drug drop box.
  • Talk to your doctor about alternative options to pain management.

Community Resources

Click Below for Opioid Crisis Resources

Click Below for COVID19 Resources

The Georgia Covid19 Emotional Support Line provides free and confidential assistance to callers needing emotional support or resource information as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The line is staffed by volunteers, including mental health professionals and others who have received training in crisis counseling.
